A drawing of a fairy on a throne, evidently a queen in the feywild

5 Fun Fae Plot Hooks to Include in Your Witchlight/Feywild Campaign

Blog PostMorgan Carpenter
Wizards of the Coast has just released The Wilds Beyond the Witchlight, a prewritten campaign for Dungeons and Dragons, to no small amount of appla...
Photo of a hand held out flat, on which are several transparent dice in different colors, with white numbers. The hand emerges out of a completely black background.

How Many Gaming Dice Does a DM Need?

Blog PostMorgan Carpenter
Getting started as a Dungeon Master can be a little bit intimidating – there’s a lot to keep track of. Not only do you have to build the world, but...
A scan of the first line of a piece of music titled "For Saint Valentine's Day"

6 Oneshot Prompts for a Valentine's Oneshot

3.5e dndMorgan Carpenter
Running a full campaign can be difficult, especially right now - scheduling for the number of people that it takes to run one is a hassle, and even...
Image Description: an illustration of the 3e logo for Dungeons and Dragons, a panel with a sword separating the words Dungeons and Dragons.

5e vs 3e Skills: A Brief Guide with Skill Conversion Chart

3e dndMorgan Carpenter
One of the most easily spotted differences between 3e and 5e Dungeons and Dragons is the way that they handle skills - one look at the two characte...

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