About Us
What is D20 Collective?
Well, let me regale you with a tale...Come, stay awhile and listen... -
THE story starts - Years ago, I was introduced to Dungeons and Dragons. I friend of mine asked me to join him in a game session. I had already been playing persistent world Roleplaying servers on Neverwinter Nights so the thought of getting into a role play group sounded very enticing!
Needless to say, I was addicted. But amidst my new addiction..there was one underlying question that always crossed my mind:
“Why weren't more people playing this amazing game?!”
- Fast Forward Nearly 15 Years -
Life had pressed on, I had kids, got married, started a new career at a software company - you know, adulting.
But my passion and hunger for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder and other tabletop games had only grown exponentially...however the burning question stayed:
“Why weren't more people playing these games?”
The answer was fairly apparent: AWARENESS
So I had a small itch to start a simple Facebook page called Dungeons and Dragons Memes. I figured if I did my part at bringing awareness and entertainment to this starving industry every little bit helps, right?
...little did I know…
What started as a small social idea to bring awareness to tabletop gaming grew into something larger. Much. Much larger...
In August of 2014 the page had roughly 2,500 to 5,000 fans. I would make a few posts every week, we'd get several hundred likes, a handful of shares and we were a small community of individuals who shared a passion for Tabletop Gaming.
But I decided to keep going. I didn't want to stop there.
Fast forward to today and DnD Memes is nearly HALF A MILLION strong and currently the largest tabletop gaming page on Facebook WORLDWIDE.
On February of 2015 I quit my comfy software job of 8 years and began to pursue my passion of all things Tabletop Gaming full time. In June of 2015 I started D20 Collective.
And the rest is history.
Through the first two years, I continued to build D20 Collective by working late nights and weekends coming up with new designs and products. Each new release received an enthusiastic response from the community. My dream of being part of a movement was no longer just a dream. It was happening!
- Doug aka "Hedron", Founder of D20 Collective
- It's More Than Just Products. It's Starting a Movement. -
Sure, running D20 Collective pays the bills, puts food on the table and provides for my family - but it's so much more than that!
It helps bring awareness to the masses that Dungeons and Dragons and other tabletop games aren't boring or outdated - they are far from it!
They develop life skills such as math, critical thinking, social development and camaraderie.
D20 Collective and DnD Memes has always been about passion over sales. In my eyes, if we just introduce 1 new person a month to Tabletop gaming then we've done our part! Too many people and too much of our Youth spend their days hiding behind a computer, phone or TV screen. Our mission is to help change that.
To date: We’ve shipped to over 25 countries around the world. We have 10's of thousands of customers, we have several vendors on board and we are a driving force in helping to fund Tabletop gaming related Kickstarters such as the Gamer's Series, Elderwood Academy's Codex and Dice Trays and Norse Foundry's Adventure Coins.
- Never Losing Sight -
Who knows what the future will bring, but what we are striving for is to be the go to place for all things tabletop gaming. We plan on bringing more exclusive products, games and designs to our ever-increasing store.
In an effort to not bore you any longer (providing you're still reading lol), you can always reach out to us! Feel free to email our staff:
Email: support@d20collective.com

DnD Dice Sets
Equip yourself traveler! Metal, Gemstone, Resin, and Wood dice sets available. 7 Piece, 11 Piece, 14 Piece. Limited edition sets available. Over 300 different sets of dice to chose from. Get the perfect set for for any DnD character or other TTRPG game.