Divinations from the Collective

January 2024 Gaming Convention Calender
Here are the gaming conventions going on in January!
Anime Los Angeles: Palmdale, Jan...

Finding Art for Dungeons and Dragons (Without Using AI)
While Dungeons and Dragons is a game of imagination, many players still find it useful to have some kind of visual inspiration or representation fo...

Delicious Drinks in the Forgotten Realms
Last week, we discussed the amazing foods that one might find in the Forgotten Realms: Fantastic Foods in the Forgotten Realms. And if you’re going...

The Circle of Eight: Faerun’s Most Influential Visitors
If you’ve ever played a spellcaster in Dungeons and Dragons, you’ve probably noticed a few recurring names. Mordenkainen’s Arcane Seal, Leomund’s T...

A Brief Overview of the Halfling Pantheon in the Forgotten Realms
Small, stout, and often sneaky, Halflings are a race of small humanoids derived from Tolkien’s hobbits. Like Tolkien’s version, they’re a people w...

5 Winter Monsters for a Seasonal Dungeons and Dragons Session
The winter months are a fantastic source of inspiration for fantasy stories, and for fantasy tabletop games. Dungeons and Dragons is no exception!

Dungeons and Dragons and Me: A Personal History with Tabletop Roleplaying, and What It Means Over the Holiday Season
You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again, that the holidays are once again here to greet us. Friends and family gather as they do once a yea...

GNU: A Review of Clacks, a Board Game of Discworld
If you’re a fan of fantasy novels, then I’m sure you’ve at least heard of Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discword series. It spans dozens of novels, supplem...

4 Elven Prestige Classes to Inspire (or Adapt for) your 5e Game
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Dungeons and Dragons 5e has nothing on its previous editions for customization. It’s partly to do with ...

The Quest Begins Anew - A Review of Shadows Over Camelot: The Card Game
For fans of strategy, cooperation, and fantasy board games, Shadows Over Camelot is an undeniable classic. The original game takes you and your fri...

Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Trailer Looks Like Goofy Fun – If a Little Disappointing for Fans of Forgotten Realms Lore
Just a few days ago at San Diego Comicon, Wizards of the Coast launched the first trailer for the upcoming movie Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among ...

Some of the Coolest Spelljammer Ships in Wildspace
The 5e Spelljammer sourcebook has just entered the preorder stage, and I’ve already reserved my spot. Spelljammer, as you may have noticed if you’r...