Divinations from the Collective

Reading Dragon: “Lookin’ for Work, Chummer?”
For obvious reasons, most of the content found in Dragon Magazine is for Dungeons and Dragons. But that doesn’t mean that no other games are ever d...

Reading Dragon: A Look Back at ‘Taking the Sting Out of Poison’
In the long history of Dragon Magazine, there have been hundreds of issues, which in turn contained dozens of articles, and plenty of useful advic...

Reading Dragon: A Look Back at ‘12 Secrets of Survival’
One of the original content resources for Dungeons and Dragons, TSR’s Dragon Magazine included a huge variety of articles, reviews, and rules for t...

D&D The Animated Series: Fantasy, Fun, and Flat Colors
The most recent D&D release, Stormwreck Isle (a simple adventure with premade characters meant to introduce new players to the rules and gener...

Dragon Magazine: A Brief History and Explanation
If you’ve played Dungeons and Dragons for a long time, chances are that you’ve already heard about Dragon Magazine. It’s possibly the best-known ro...