Divinations from the Collective

June Gaming Convention Calendar 2022
Here are the gaming conventions going on in June!
San Diego Historical Games Convention: San Diego...

Dungeons and Dragons' Science Fiction Campaign Setting: Spelljammer
Wizards of the Coast just released a brand-new Unearthed Arcana titled Travelers of the Multiverse. It’s content includes several extra-planetary r...

Get out your D20, and get ready to Support the Squire!
With veteran players setting up clubs and groups at schools for students to get together and play tabletop RPGs, and we want to support and encourage that effort. From here forward, 5% of our profits will be set aside...

Kids Should Play D&D, Worry-Free!
It came to my attention over the weekend that a teacher at a school in Wyoming wanted to start a D&D/board game club for the students at his school. We want to see the tabletop community grow and thrive, with new and young players welcomed with open arms.