Divinations from the Collective

What’s the Best Way to Learn Dungeons and Dragons?
Dungeons and Dragons has a bit of a learning curve. Less so with more recent editions, but even when learning 5th Edition, it can take a while to f...

Why does Dungeons and Dragons Use So Many Different Dice?
A lot of new members of the tabletop gaming world enter through play of Dungeons and Dragons – it’s the most visible, and probably also the most pr...

Including Time Travel in Your Tabletop Game
It appears in sci-fi, fantasy, steampunk, horror - practically every non-realistic genre you could ever think of. The ability to move through time, to see the future or experience the past, has captured the human imagination for centuries.

What Makes Ravenloft so Iconic?
Just recently, Wizards of the Coast released Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft, a worldbuilding sourcebook for Dungeons and Dragons 5e.
It expands o...

Can you play DnD without dice?
My aunt has an old favorite tabletop story. It goes like this:
When she was in high school, she once celebrated her birthday by having some friends...

6 Good Starter Tabletop RPGs for Kids
Let’s face it – Dungeons and Dragons isn’t really a kids’ game.
It can be played as such, of course. I myself started out at around 10 years old. A...

How Many Gaming Dice Does a DM Need?
Getting started as a Dungeon Master can be a little bit intimidating – there’s a lot to keep track of.
Not only do you have to build the world, but...

6 Oneshot Prompts for a Valentine's Oneshot
Running a full campaign can be difficult, especially right now - scheduling for the number of people that it takes to run one is a hassle, and even...

5 Psionic Prestige Classes WotC should adapt into 5e Subclasses
For those who have only played 5e - psionics are the psychics of the D&D universe. Their powers and abilities come from the mind, with intense ...

5e vs 3e Skills: A Brief Guide with Skill Conversion Chart
One of the most easily spotted differences between 3e and 5e Dungeons and Dragons is the way that they handle skills - one look at the two characte...

The Least Popular DnD Opinion: aka "The Problem With Warlocks"
I’ll get right to the point: Warlocks shouldn’t exist in 5e
I know, I know - put the pitchfork down for just a moment.
It’s not that Warlock’s ar...

Kids Should Play D&D, Worry-Free!
It came to my attention over the weekend that a teacher at a school in Wyoming wanted to start a D&D/board game club for the students at his school. We want to see the tabletop community grow and thrive, with new and young players welcomed with open arms.