Divinations from the Collective

Reading Dragon: A Look Back at Dragon Dweomers
In 1995, TSR published edition #218 of Dragon Magazine. In it were a variety of fantastic articles on Dungeons and Dragons, as well as various oth...

Tools for Running a Shadowrun Campaign/Oneshot
There are plenty of cyberpunk and futuristic TTRPGs out there if you go looking for them. Some of them even include magic, to make a science-fantas...

5 Free Virtual Tabletops (other than Roll20) You Should Check Out
In the era of the internet, tabletop games have gone long distance. You could always play thus using theater-of-the-mind, of course, with detailed ...

A Look Back at Our Controversial and Uncommon DnD Advice
Over the last couple of years, Divinations from the Collective has attempted to bring good information about boardgames, DnD, and other tabletop RP...

5 Winter Monsters for a Seasonal Dungeons and Dragons Session
The winter months are a fantastic source of inspiration for fantasy stories, and for fantasy tabletop games. Dungeons and Dragons is no exception!

Dragon Magazine: A Brief History and Explanation
If you’ve played Dungeons and Dragons for a long time, chances are that you’ve already heard about Dragon Magazine. It’s possibly the best-known ro...

Smart is the New Sexy – Making Intelligence a More Valuable Stat for Better Games
For many Dungeons and Dragons players, Intelligence is an immediate dump stat.
For a while, Wizards were just about the only class that really reli...

5 Cool 3.5e Magical Items to Include in Your Current Dungeons and Dragons Campaign
There are few feelings more exciting in Dungeons and Dragons than finding a brand-new magical item. These swords, jewels, rings, and vestments prov...

Steampunk as a Dungeons and Dragons Setting: Worlds, NPCs, Gods, and Media Inspiration
DnD is traditionally played with a high fantasy setting – that the genre for Faerun and the Forgotten Realms. Other subsettings that have been publ...

Alternative Options for Tabletop Miniatures (for when you can't find the ones you need)
One of my favorite parts of tabletop gaming is combat. I know that it’s a less and less popular opinion nowadays when game after game is coming out...

4 Little Details you can Implement to Increase Realism in Your DnD Campaign
With all the wizards, dragons, and general magic in Dungeons and Dragons, its easy to let the game slip into the realm of the purely fantastical. A...

Bardic Musicians for Dungeons and Dragons NPCs and Player Characters
One of the most common recommendations for spicing up your tabletop sessions is a good soundtrack. Most is mood music, atmospheric instrumentals, b...