Divinations from the Collective

Simple Tavern Games to Include in Your D&D Sessions
So, your party has just completed their most recent dungeon crawl. They’ve made their way back up the dusky corridors, crawled past the oozes and mimics, and dragged themselves back to the nearby village to sell their loot and spend a few nights resting at the local tavern...

How Many Gaming Dice Does a DM Need?
Getting started as a Dungeon Master can be a little bit intimidating – there’s a lot to keep track of.
Not only do you have to build the world, but...

6 Oneshot Prompts for a Valentine's Oneshot
Running a full campaign can be difficult, especially right now - scheduling for the number of people that it takes to run one is a hassle, and even...

5 Psionic Prestige Classes WotC should adapt into 5e Subclasses
For those who have only played 5e - psionics are the psychics of the D&D universe. Their powers and abilities come from the mind, with intense ...

5e vs 3e Skills: A Brief Guide with Skill Conversion Chart
One of the most easily spotted differences between 3e and 5e Dungeons and Dragons is the way that they handle skills - one look at the two characte...

The Least Popular DnD Opinion: aka "The Problem With Warlocks"
I’ll get right to the point: Warlocks shouldn’t exist in 5e
I know, I know - put the pitchfork down for just a moment.
It’s not that Warlock’s ar...