An illustration of a goliath, wearing piecemeal armor and carrying a large pack and sword. Next to him are the words "Stone Prestige Classes"

There are a seemingly endless number of supplements out there for Dungeons and Dragons. Not just the new ones, but the old ones, too – the ones for previous editions, which are now mostly remembered (fondly or otherwise), or adapted into new content for the current version of the game. Of course, while much of the old content is never going to see a proper update, it can be nice to imagine, or even get our own hands dirty and adapt some of that old material ourselves.

One supplement that I’d like to see adapted is Races of Stone – particularly the prestige classes that it contains. Here are some of my favorites, and how I’d recommend adapting them for a 5th edition campaign.


What is ‘Races of Stone’?

The cover of Races of Stone, which shows a dwarf, gnome, and a goliath helping each other to scale a stone wall

Races of Stone is a 3e sourcebook written by David Noonan, Jesse Decker and Michelle Lyons, which details information about dwarves, gnomes, and other fantasy species with a notable affinity for the stone, the earth, and mountain environments. That includes Goliaths, Stonechildren, and unusual subspecies of dwarves and gnomes who are even more connected to their stoney homeland than most of their species.

Like most other supplements, it includes several prestige classes. These are additional classes that players can multiclass into for a more specialized character. They often require the character to meet certain prerequisites before they can be taken, but they can make for some amazing and unique gameplay experiences.


Blade Bravos

An illustration of a blade bravo, a gnome wooman in leather armor holding a short sword.

Blade Bravos are gnomish duelists – flashy but effective swordsmen who take what starts out as a game of bragging and grandstanding and turn it into a true artform. Not only are they powerful and dangerous foes to those of their own size, they also rigorously train to face down larger opponents. No one, be they gnome, human, or goliath, wants to get on the wrong side of these short swashbucklers.

At low levels, Blade Bravos learn flashy flourishes that they can use in combat, making them faster and stealthier, even enough to gain a sneak attack of their own. As they continue to evolve, they gain more feats for fighting larger enemies, hitting harder where it counts. Finally, they culminate with a ‘lethal riposte’, granting them an attack of opportunity when an opponent misses them in melee.

In a 5e campaign, a Blade Bravo best fits as a rogue, but also as a bard, monk, or fighter. As an NPC, they can probably be found wherever large numbers of gnomes gather. The younger, more brash fighters in a gnome community probably include a high concentration of them, although a well-trained and better skilled Blade Bravo wouldn’t be out of place in adventuring guilds, exploratory missions, or positions of power among gnomish communities.


Dawn Callers

Dawn Callers are of the utmost importance to goliath society. Not only do they perform the always-necessary role of night watchmen for their tribe, but they also serve as reveille. Each morning, a Dawn Caller rouses their family and friends with songs of battle, valor, and glory. They keep an eye out through the night for enemies, then set their compatriots on their own guard for their daily toils. There are few roles more revered and necessary to their culture.

An illustration of a Dawn Caller. It shows a goliath facing away from the viewer and toward a sunset, holdinga spear and a robe, evidently singing

At lower levels, Dawn Callers gain darkvision, and bardic musical abilities if they do not already have it. A better trained Dawn Caller can also inspire their allies with various songs of courage, stamina, or fury. Finally, a master of their craft can invoke the Song of the Mountain, which dramatically increases even their basic ability scores.

In a 5e campaign, a Dawn Caller best fits as a bard, but also as a cleric or barbarian. As NPCs, there is probably at least one in every goliath tribe, and every goliath knows about them, even if they do not personally know one themselves. Away from tribes, they’re probably outcasts, or those who have failed in their task and are now seeking redemption.  


Earth Dreamer

An illustration of a Earth Dreamer. It shows a gnomish wizard in brown robes holding a torch and approaching a stone door, seeing thorugh it into a room

Like many arcanists, Earth Dreamers are drawn to the mystical energy of nature – in this case, the energy and inherent desires of the divine land. The earth’s dreams are deep, and slow, but strong. And those that spend their time attuning to the dreams of stone and crag often go silent for months or even years at a time as they learn to listen. While these eccentricities make them difficult to adventure with, their attunement to the underground can also make them invaluable guides.

Beginning Earth Dreamers can communicate with animals that are strongly associated with the earth, and perform divinations not through the gods but through the very land itself. As they grow more powerful, their senses become attuned to movements in the ground, rather than their faulty eyesight. And eventually they can move through stone as easily as most move through air.

In a 5e campaign, an Earth Dreamer best fits as a wizard, druid, paladin, or warlock. As NPCs, Earth Dreamers are likely recluses, found meditating deep in the mountains or under the earth. They wouldn’t be out of place in the underdark, and make for powerful allies if the will of the land aligns with that of the party.


Stonedeath Assassin

An illustration of a Stonedeath Assassin. It shows a hobgoblin in leather armor hanging from the top of a cave, holding a knife and snarling at the viewer

Not all of those who are connected to the earth use it for beneficial purposes. Stonedeath Assassins are specialized goblinoid agents, who have trained their own affinity for stone and soil in order to be most dangerous to their hated enemies, the dwarves. These agents seek out traps meant to keep their forces out of cities, disarming them and enchanting the very stone to turn against those who carved it. They may also be even more bold, picking off dwarven and gnomish miners, reigning terror over anyone who ventures into the dark.

At low levels, Stonedeath Assassins learn to temporarily turn themselves into stone to avoid detection, and to sense out the many traps hidden within the earth for them. As they train, they not only become even stealthier and more capable of sneak attacks, but they can also deal damage directly to those creatures or objects made out of stone with merely a touch. And at the peak of their power, their very strikes can turn their victims to stone.

In a 5e campaign, a Stonedeath Assassin would be a rogue, a ranger, or a warlock. As NPCs, they make powerful and dangerous enemies, working in small groups to empower larger forces of goblins and hobgoblins to advance on even the best-fortified dwarven cities. They won’t reveal themselves easily, but might be the lackey of some other, smarter, enemy as easily as they may be a dangerous threat in their own right.




Have you ever played any of the prestige classes above? Would you be interested in playing one as a subclass in 5e? Did we miss one of your favorite prestige classes from Races of Stone? Let us know in the comments below!

Blog postDnd historyDungeons and dragonsPrestige classes

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