Divinations from the Collective

Aligning your Characters: How to Use Alignment in a Tabletop Campaign
There are many aspects of Dungeons and Dragons that have been forgotten, altered, or intentionally removed over the years. THAC0, elves as a charac...

A Brief Overview of Monstrous Deities in the Forgotten Realms (part 2)
The Forgotten Realms have a lot of gods. Not only do each of the major races/species have their own pantheons, but even the monster species often h...

A Brief Overview of Monstrous Deities in the Forgotten Realms (part 1)
Dungeons and Dragons is full to the brim of fantastical species and creatures, each with their own behavior, traits, and sometimes even culture. Ev...

Bardic Inspiration: Where to Find Inspiration for a Bard Character
It’s no secret that the character options in Dungeons and Dragons come from outside media. Legends, myths, movies, books, music, and games all insp...

A Brief Overview of the Draconic Pantheon in the Forgotten Realms (part 3)
Over our past couple of articles, we’ve spent time talking about the Draconic Pantheon – those gods of the Forgotten Realms who are worshipped by d...

A Brief Overview of the Draconic Pantheon in the Forgotten Realms (part 2)
An oddly enigmatic and forgotten pantheon, the Draconic gods are hugely powerful, but rarely worshiped in the Forgotten Realms. While they were onc...

A Brief Overview of the Draconic Pantheon in the Forgotten Realms (part 1)
As a world filled with divine magic, it isn’t a surprise that Dungeons and Dragons has gods for every occasion – especially for one of its nominati...

Finding Art for Dungeons and Dragons (Without Using AI)
While Dungeons and Dragons is a game of imagination, many players still find it useful to have some kind of visual inspiration or representation fo...

Winter Holidays in the Forgotten Realms
When looking to write a oneshot or a module for the holiday season, it’s only natural that you might pose this question first: Does the Forgotten R...

5 Winter-Themed Prestige Classes from Frostburn
While we’ve talked a bit about Icewind Dale, it’s not the only chilly locale in the Forgotten Realms. Frostburn, a supplementary sourcebook for DnD...

A Brief Overview of Each of Icewind Dale’s Ten-Towns
If you’re looking to run a holiday session (or a holiday campaign) in the Forgotten Realms, there are few locales so perfectly suited as Icewind Da...

Creature Feature: Song Dragon
What would Dungeons and Dragons be without dragons? Just dungeons, that’s what!
While most dragons in DnD can be divided into chromatic and metalli...